Convert a schedule schedule of values to a payment form

You can quickly convert schedule of value items to a payment form from the Schedule of values register. The new payment form is automatically populated with values from the schedule of value items for the date range selected.

Step by Step — Convert a schedule of values to a payment form

Convert a schedule of values into a payment form when a claimed schedule item is ready to be paid.

You must have payment form permissions to convert schedule of values items to payment forms, and the Contract type must be configured to use payment forms. Items must be claimed before they can be converted to a payment form. The item can be claimed in Contract or Plan or Progress.

  1. From the Schedule of values register, select the claimed items to convert. Click the Associate schedule item icon, and then select Payment form. The Add payment form dialog box opens.

  2. Enter the payment form information, and then click Add. The payment form is added, and the Payment form Details page opens.

You can continue adding payment form information on the Payment form Details page. The schedule items you selected show in the Payment forms Schedule of values page.